Frankly, I don't know what happened. I volunteered for the McBride campaign and still can't figure it out. I know someone with money sent glossy flier that were very misleading about McBride and taxes, though the tax was for the class size amendment which passed! Very screwy. Also, I spent the day womaning a table near the polling area. I came back here for lunch and checked DU. Someone said Judy Woodruff on CNN had announced McBride was way ahead and also that Kathrine Harris was losing. There was another post that Drudge had exit polls up showing Democrats winning big, and that he suddenly pulled that info. All the polling area, all day people gave me the thumbs up and one man said he hadn't voted for years but believed we had to get rid of the Bushes. Then, I came home all excited only to be let waaaay down later on. I couldn't get on DU for a week or more to get feedback from others, and we still haven't been allowed to see the exit polls which were so off, so I still don't know what the hell happened that day!