McCain on the Senate Floor C-SPAN now
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Wed Jan-21-04 02:22 PM
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McCain on the Senate Floor C-SPAN now |
It's the republicans turn speak against the bill.:7
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Wed Jan-21-04 02:35 PM
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1. What bill? (I don't have cable) n/t |
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Wed Jan-21-04 02:39 PM
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2. McCain called it "Incumbent Protection Act of 2004" |
Edited on Wed Jan-21-04 02:44 PM by seemslikeadream
It's the spending bill.
He wants all the pork out of the omnibus bill. The rolling back the loosening of cross-ownership of media outlets.
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Wed Jan-21-04 02:44 PM
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He's really going after Ted Stevens....I love it!
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Wed Jan-21-04 03:57 PM
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5. Go McCain! I love anyone who can shake up Uncle Ted! |
Lotsa pork headed Alaska's way this year - and anything that makes "our" delegation look bad makes my candidate (Dem, of course) for Senator against Lisa-the-daughter Murkowski more electable!
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Wed Jan-21-04 03:07 PM
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4. Veto this bill, veto this bill |
we should be able to object to this bill. Mr. President, if I sound like I'm angry, it's because I am and because my constituents are angry.
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Wed Jan-21-04 03:59 PM
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6. I like McCain a lot... |
He's a good guy. I might not ever vote for him, but he is a class guy that won't take W's bullshit....
proud patriot
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Wed Jan-21-04 04:05 PM
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I don't think I'd ever seen him so pissed :D
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 03:33 AM
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