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Want to read my message to the Bush pyramid scheme?

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PretzelWarrior Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-21-04 02:32 PM
Original message
Want to read my message to the Bush pyramid scheme?
Edited on Wed Jan-21-04 02:39 PM by bransonfu
I checked out Bush/Cheney 04 website, and I sent them this message of support:

"You are pure evil and America--even the world knows it. Keep up the good work. I too am an evil man with evil intentions for this world, and I view you as a role model. I am looking forward to the great evil things you have planned for gays, black people, and the poor. Thanks for your service to our country club of elite Americans. The check is in the mail. Just make sure YOUR check is in the mail too."

Here's the weird part. When I sent the message, this is their schtick. Get 5 of your friends involved...who will get 5 of their friends involved....blah blah. Really. The bullet points for greater involvement and becoming a Bush team leader were:

* Recruit 5 Other Bush Team Leaders
* Sign Up 10 Friends or Family to Receive Bush Email Updates
* Write Letters to the Editor & Call Talk Radio Shows
* Host a Block Party
* Help Turn Out the Vote for President Bush
* Volunteer for the President at Local Events

We Democrats better respond in kind because it is going to be bloody this fall. All of the Amway freaks will come out of the woodwork and support their favorite puppet. Please do your part to stop this abomination.

If you'd like to send a message of "support"...go ahead.
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PretzelWarrior Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-21-04 04:51 PM
Response to Original message
1. I guess not. you should see what Bush camp is up to though
they look like they are really ready to answer Dean and company at mobilizing the ground troops. If they succeed in doing that PLUS wringing hundreds of millions out of corporate America in donations, they will be pretty much impossible to beat. The only thing that will work is if Dems can get an appealing candidate for the independents and p!ssed off Republicans. Clark and Edwards are surest bet out there.
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