From Buzzflash via HNN. There is a moderately lively discussion on the HNN page. Conservatives Who Trashed Clinton Really Defend Bush with a Straight Face?
Dear friends on the right:
How do you live with yourselves?
For years you fumed and sputtered about a dissembling Democrat occupying the White House, a man so vile and unprincipled that from his wretched beginnings he evaded service to his country and experimented with illegal substances. Later, in the nation's highest office, he was willing to say anything and do anything to hold power. The pattern never varied. He was corrupt to the bone. From start to finish, Slick Willie's career disgusted you. You demanded change; good, old-time-values conservative change.
Now ponder what you have. Reflect for a moment, with as much soul-searching as you can muster, on how in heaven's name you can tolerate George W. Bush. From youthful indiscretions to presidential abuses, here's a man who has surpassed his predecessor in every way. Yet you offer Dubya nothing but thumbs up.
How is that? No kidding, most of us on this side are sincerely baffled.