http://www.hrc.orgHRC DENOUNCES REMARKS BY PRESIDENT AS DIVISIVE AND DISCRIMINATORY‘It is Always Wrong to Use the U.S. Constitution to Discriminate Against Any American’
WASHINGTON – The Human Rights Campaign denounced remarks by the President during tonight’s State of the Union address as being divisive and discriminatory. Although not explicitly endorsing an amendment denying marriage for same-sex couples, the President came dangerously close in his remarks to supporting efforts to write discrimination into the Constitution. The President also misrepresented the proper role of the courts in protecting rights and freedoms by criticizing "activist judges."
"In more than 200 hundred years of American history the Constitution has never been amended to deny basic rights and responsibilities. It is always wrong to use the Constitution to discriminate against any American. The Constitution should never be used to deny fundamental rights like the ability to visit a partner in the hospital, or the protection of Social Security Survivor benefits," said HRC President Cheryl Jacques.
She continued, "The bottom line is that gay Americans live in more than 99 percent of the counties in this country, and more than one million children in this country are being raised by same-sex couples. Those families and children deserve the rights and protections of marriage, and we are deeply disappointed that the President used the State of the Union address to attack our families and divide the country. Tonight, the President missed an opportunity to discuss issues that bring the nation together, like combating hate violence and ending employment discrimination.
Please consider joining the HRC and follow the link at their website for the "MillionforMarrriage" petition!