The League of Conservation Voters
Seven Little Words
This week, the President fulfilled his constitutional obligation by addressing Congress on the State of the Union. Last year, President Bush offered up a plate-load of spin on his environmental record -- and LCV was there to debunk it. This year's speech devoted more time to steroid use in sports than on the environment. In fact, the President only devoted seven little words to the environment: "This Congress must act to encourage conservation..." Ironically, those words came in a plea to Congress to pass his pro-polluter energy bill. It looks like the Slate's Timothy Noah hit the nail on the head, saying; "Apparently
Karl Rove has decided that the environment isn't even worth paying lip service to anymore." However, we can look forward to this Administration's continued actions on the environment. Too bad the actions have usually been in the wrong direction.Read LCV's Press Release
State of the Environment Anything But Strong
President Bush’s Address Offers Scant Details on Environmental Agenda While His Administration Continues its Assault on the EnvironmentJanuary 20, 2004WASHINGTON - League of Conservation Voters (LCV) President Deb Callahan today issued the following statement in response to President Bush’s State of the Union address:"Tonight, as President Bush delivered his State of the Union address, the state of our environment is anything but strong. For the past three years, President Bush has taken nearly every opportunity to rollback safeguards to protect our air, water and public lands. Yet, this evening the president was virtually silent on this subject. This is not surprising since he prefers to let officials in his administration announce bad news about weakening environmental laws and regulations on Friday afternoons when most of the public is not paying attention.Tonight, the president did mention his continued support for the energy legislation currently pending in Congress. This bill in its current form is one of the most anti-environmental pieces of legislation in history. It is loaded with some of biggest giveaways to big oil, big coal and utility companies - all of whom comprise some of the president’s top campaign contributors. Perhaps the most egregious provision in the bill lets makers and users of the fuel additive, MTBE, off the hook for contaminating drinking water in communities across the country.Despite the president’s rhetoric tonight, the energy bill will do little to promote conservation or lessen our dependence on foreign sources of energy. In order to achieve these goals, Congress needs to go back to the drawing board and produce a real energy plan that invests in clean, sound long-term solutions, not just old, dirty, polluting sources. We need to make a strong commitment to energy efficiency technologies and renewables, and to increase fuel economy standards for cars and trucks - that is the most effective way to encourage conservation and reduce our dependence on foreign oil.President Bush’s continual support for a deeply flawed energy bill reconfirms why LCV gave him the first ever ‘F’ for his environmental record on our Presidential Report Card.
"See the Bush Administration's Rollbacks
Bush Administration Rollbacks While the President's 2004 State of the Union offered scant details on his environmental agena, his Administration continues to assault our environmental protections. And since the mid-term elections in November 2002, the Bush Administration and his allies in Congress have pushed a roll-back agenda that favors corporate polluters over the public interest in a clean and healthy environment. Through the use of "Bushspeak" -- spinning anti-environment policy into something that sounds pro-environment -- the Administration attempts to paint itself green.·
The Birth of Bushspeak: Read what strategist Frank Luntz came up with for anti-environmentalists to pander to industry while appearing pro-environment to voters. His memo (1.46MB pdf),
produced last year and recently leaked to the public, provides a recipe for greenscamming that President Bush has followed to a tee.Click on the links below to follow the day by day assaults on the laws that protect our environment.2003·
December· November· October·
See how the Bush Administration has failed on the environment's 2003
Presidential Report Card
"Under the Bush administration, corporate polluters have been allowed to write the laws."--LCV President Deb CallahanRead LCV's Press Release- Click here to download the complete2003 Presidential Report Card(349k PDF)Click here for Acrobat Reader
After carefully reviewing the actions of President Bush and his Administration, LCV announced that he has failed the environment. Deceptively named initiatives such as "Healthy Forests" and "Clear Skies," mask the Bush Administration's agenda of allowing industry to increase their profits at the expense of environmental protection and public health. In particular, the Bush Administration has attacked, weakened or undermined laws providing clean air, clean water, and toxic waste cleanups.<snip>