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SOTU: Pandering to the right-wing Base

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Homer12 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-22-04 10:28 AM
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SOTU: Pandering to the right-wing Base
Could this be a sign that Bushco "knows" that they are going to have some trouble considering all the non-conservative pandering being done the last few weeks (i.e. Immigration, Fiscal mis-management, politics over conservative policy problems, moon and mars, etc...), which has pissed off much of his base that care more about their single minded agenda's than Bush himself?

I think it was a sign that they want to get their base back-in-line, but at the same time are worried that "they - I mean Bushco", know that they are not going to win in a "Landslide" like they like to boast about (Like the puffer fish, a common defense is to make yourself seem more threatening than you really are.)

Hence, all the pandering to other groups (e.g. immigration bill) was done before the SOTU.

This SOTU was nothing like the attack-style, take-no-prisoner type, when you know that your enemy is on the ropes, Rovian tactic of the last SOTU.
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StClone Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-22-04 10:38 AM
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1. Yes
Bush's visit to Martin Luther King's tomb followed by an appointment of Pickering in a end around maneuver is obviously a desperation (if not totally despicable and hypocritical) appeasement ploy.
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