Edited on Thu Jan-22-04 07:46 PM by arendt
Beyond Freedom and Dignity by arendt
1. Introduction - (patience, grasshopper)
The infamous behaviorist psychologist, B.F. Skinner, argued that humans were mere stimulus-response machines, who could be manipulated as easily as his experimental pigeons by classic techniques he called "operant conditioning". His most famous experiment used "random reward". That is, food was dispensed on a completely random schedule. Pigeons tried to correlate their behavior with the random schedule; and the results were truly bizarre:
...."One bird was conditioned to turn counter-clockwise about the cage, ....making two or three turns between reinforcements. Another repeatedly ....thrust its head into one of the upper corners of the cage. A third developed ....a 'tossing' response, as if placing its head beneath an invisible bar and ....lifting it repeatedly. Two birds developed a pendulum motion of the head ....and body, in which the head was extended forward and swung from right ....to left with a sharp movement followed by a somewhat slower return."
- "'Superstition' in the Pigeon", ....B.F. Skinner, Journal of Experimental Psychology #38, 1947 <1>)
Later psychological work has shown that random reward is the most compelling kind of conditioning. That is why a gambling addiction is so hard to break. Ditto channel surfing and web surfing.
Skinner was more than a psychologist, he was a philosopher; and his philosophy was radical behaviorism. At the height of the sixties counter- culture, he became a momentary darling of the anti-Dr. Spock crowd. (You must remember that the reactionaries of the day blamed youthful rebellion on the "permissive" upbringing counseled by the baby doctor, Dr. Spock. As if the 1950s were "permissive"! LOL) Skinner argued that humans could also be made to behave like pigeons.
...."There are many analogies in human behavior. Rituals for changing one's ....luck at cards are good examples. A few accidental connections between ....a ritual and favorable consequences suffice to set up and maintain the behavior ....in spite of many unreinforced instances. The bowler who has released a ball ....down the alley but continues to behave as if he were controlling it by twisting ...and turning his arm and shoulder is another case in point."
- Ibid
This was headline-grabbing stuff in a decade which watched The Manchurian Candidate and heard of the infamous electric-shock experiments of Stanley Milgram. But today, Skinner's big book of the decade, "Beyond Freedom and Dignity", generates eleven hits on Google, and eight of those are people offering to sell the book. It seems like Skinnerism is a flop today.
2. Reporters as pigeons
But, after the infamous "Al Gore is a liar" campaign of 2000, followed by the "smoke 'em out", "bring 'em on" campaign of 2001-3, my teeth were put on edge yet again by the "Howard Dean is crazy" round of 24/7 OJ coverage.
I began to think that someone had decided to apply operant conditioning to the American media when I read the recent study which showed that people who got their news from Fox News had substantially mistaken ideas about the real world. While that audience is beyond gullible, it is hard to put the blame entirely on them. They are too stupid to refute these lie-ridden stories, deliberate misrepresentations, character assassinations, and GOP butt-coverings on their own.
The people being conditioned are the media whores. These guys want to get rewarded; but, with the demise of genuine investigative reporting, they all are getting the same Kool Aid from the GOP press outlets. These guys are so ball-less that they dare not go outside the fence drawn by the GOP party line. So, they flounder around looking for some way to bash the Dems with the material supplied to them.
And, they do it with a fervor that would shame a mouse pressing a lever for an electric current to the pleasure center. These media whores are the most shameless, on-the-make, unethical slimeballs to ever stink up journalism. They are a half a step away from being members of the Army Propaganda Corps. (Actually, two of those guys were caught out at CNN a few years ago.) So, like Skinner's bizarre pigeons, you have reporters who make incredible mental contortions to smear Democratic candidates and exonerate GOP felons.
What else can you call the "hairdoo" attacks on John Kerry, the decades- old drumbeat against Ted Kennedy, the shock and awe campaign against Howard Dean's "gaffes" like telling the truth about Saddam's capture? These reporters are aping what succeeded in pleasing their corporate masters in the past, hoping for lightning to strike twice. They all want to be the next Laura Ingram or Bill O'Reilly.
Yet, what is O'Reilly except the guy who shouts the loudest about the same stupid lies as all the other media whores? He is just the best fed pigeon of the bunch. The American people need to tell the media whores that they look absolutely asinine, and craven into the bargain. They have sold their journalistic soul for a bowl of corporate porridge.
3. Democrats as second-order pigeons
The Democratic Party has developed its own superstitions about the media. While the whores are contorting for cash, the Democrats are trying to track the whores' contortions so as to be rewarded with votes. But, that makes no sense. The corporate masters may simply be training whores to be rabid supporters, but the masters' goal in this is to trash the Dems.
So, the Dems should never buy into the idea that there is any rationality to the day-to-day actions of the press. The only rationality is the long-range plan of big money to destroy or neuter the Democratic Party and its support for the working class. The Dems must not become Skinner pigeons for the random reward of the media whores. That is suicidal. It is a superstition among Democrats that there is a magical "correct" behavior that will win the media's respect. In reality, any respect shown to Democrats is entirely accidental, and usually comes from some whore using that Democrat as a foil in an attack on another Democrat.
In particular, the Democratic voters should NEVER rejoice in the mindless slandering of ANY candidate because it legitimizes past and future content-free character assassination. If the Democrats showed some cohesion and some spine, then maybe they could end the careers of some of the more egregious thugs in the press corps.
In closing, let me try to add another pejorative to the already long list describing our hijacked media. The next time someone parrots (interesting word in this context) the latest contortion, just call them a Skinner pigeon. Then, condescendingly ask them about their "lucky" sweater, rabbit's foot, etc.