This is a golden opportunity for me to repost my observations upon the "skull" omen of May, 2003 -- specifically, when the skull of the Old Man of the Mountain collapsed in NH, sending shudders through the Granite State.
With the NH primary in full swing, and questions about Bush's AWOL record again surfacing for state and national attention, it's time to trot out:
(You are welcome to copy or forward this).
High up on the flank of a massive mountain in Franconia Notch, NH -- the Old Man of the Mountain lost his face - literally - on May 3, 2003, the day after President George W. Bush paraded across the deck of the U.S. aircraft carrier Abraham Lincoln, and declared "Mission Accomplished" in Iraq.
I was struck by the sequence of events. Bush parades on Abe Lincoln deck, then the Old Man of the Mountain loses face (and skull) immediately thereafter. What's going on here? Is the mountain trying to tell us something?
Bush Struts Carrier Deck in Flight Suit - May 2, 2003 Man Loses Face - May 3, 2003: Granite Staters -- and for all who had ever seen him -- the collapse of the Old Man's face was a first-class tragedy because the Old Man was a symbol of honesty, dignity, and honor. He seemed eternal.
I always thought of the Old Man's profile as embodying the same qualities as Old "Honest Abe" Lincoln, whose profile is so familiar to us from the penny. So I was deeply saddened to see him "lose face," and could not help but note that it came right after Bush pulled what was basically a PR stunt on the deck of our nation's Abraham Lincoln aircraft carrier.
What right did he have to celebrate and "Declare Victory"? Hundreds of our soldiers have died and been grievously wounded since that day, not to mention the ongoing misery for their families at home and the families in Iraq.
At the time I was inclined to take this monumental loss of the Old Man's face in the Granite State as some sort of cosmic sign that the heavens frowned upon Bush's hollow boasting, especially since the honor of his own military record is very much in question.
After all, as we now know the Iraq war is based on made-up stories. Iraq had no WMDs, and no connection to the tragedy that befell America on 9/11. This is apparently a war of aggression and conquest. That's why our young men and women have their lives on the line in Iraq. it has little to do with our national defense or our true honor. It has a lot to do with power and oil.
Now that I have read Sevethson's essay about the candidacy of John Buchanan in the NH Republican primary, I see things in a different light. I see the loss of face of the Old Man of the Mountain as a possible omen that G.W. Bush may well lose face before the voters of NH.
Will Bush be surprised during the NH primary? We shall see.
Here's Seventhson's discussion thread on the NH Republican candidacy of John Buchanan against G. W. Bush.'s campaign -- and his research -- are sincere, and worthy of every voter's consideration.
John Buchanan “Campaign Manifesto”
Issues, Questions & Answers -- January 1, 2004
Web site at