I hope this is not a dupe. Didn't see it anywhere else, but it is dated yesterday so does not belong in LBN.
http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A40109-2004Jan22.htmlNearly 100 Families Are Suing Over 9/11
Federal Compensation Is Forsaken
By Michelle García
Special to The Washington Post
Friday, January 23, 2004; Page A09
NEW YORK, Jan 22 -- Nearly 100 families of victims of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks have decided to sue airlines and government agencies, rejecting the federal government's offer of millions of dollars in compensation.
The families of victims in the plane crashes at the World Trade Center and the Pentagon and in a rural field in central Pennsylvania had until Thursday to notify the U.S. District Court in Manhattan whether they would file lawsuits or sign a government waiver forgoing lawsuits in exchange for guaranteed compensation. The minimum federal compensation is $250,000 for deaths, though many awards could top $1 million.
Several families waited to receive estimates of anticipated federal awards before making their last-minute decision to sue. Some families hope that their lawsuits might uncover information about government and corporate missteps that allowed the hijackers to carry out their plot. Others disliked the idea that taxpayers should foot the bill for the deaths of their loved ones.
Kenneth P. Nolan, who heads the plaintiff steering committee for those families who have chosen to sue, estimated that 80 to 100 wrongful-death cases would become activated by the end of day; the cases had to be filed within two years of the attacks and had been on hold until families made their decisions by Thursday's deadline. The lawsuits filed by a few dozen lawyers name airlines, airport security companies, the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey and the Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority, among others, as defendants.