Does anybody here actually think that the draft will be equitable when it is reinstated after Shrub's re-selected? It won't be, and it never has been, except perhaps during WWII. This is why I opposed Charlie Rangel's draft bill: even though there will be no college defermits and women would be required to serve (fat chance under this administration), the wealthy WILL find a way to evade military service.
As usual, rich, Republican chickenhawks will use their money and family connections to weasel out of the draft, using a bunch of excuses (too fat, Daddy gave a lot of money to the Bush campaign, boil on their butt, etc.) Still, the Bush Administration will probably write their own draft law (they don't like the Rangel bill), so as to allow the well to do to escape service if the above excuses won't work. What will they do? I say they will insert a provision in the new draft law that allows all young business professionals, undergraduate business majors and MBA students to get indefinent defermits. The Administration will argue that such exemptions are necessary because they are the "job creators...that make our economy work." Of course, many working people will buy this nonsense as they and their kids are packed up and sent off to Shrub's next war.