nifty tidbits like:
"Justifications for elites and social hierarchy goes all the way back to the pharaohs. For 6000 years, society has organized itself into social classes. The people who do the work are always in the lower classes. The harder and nastier the work, the lower down in the social order you sink. The people who don’t do this work must justify their position. They do it by establishing their “worthiness”, and a variety of cultural devices have been concocted over the millennia to accomplish this. The pharaohs, you may recall, weren’t people at all. They were gods. Roman emperors likewise had themselves deified, and before that Roman Senators justified their position as “patricians”. Basically, “my great great granddaddy was a big shot, therefore I should be too.”"
Gee. Tht'd be our own lil' el Busho, no?
"According to the new mythology, human beings are economic competitors. The “marketplace” is the new “Valhalla”, where “economic man” frolics. The “market” we are told, contains its own “rationality”. It rewards the efficient. It rewards that list of virtues George Will cites, like “thrift”, “delayed gratification” and of course, “hard work”. Free competition in the market place “rationally” selects the more “worthy” competitor. Thus, the wealthy are the superior competitors who have “earned” their elite status. If you haven’t succeeded it can only be because of your “inferiority”."
Exactly! Loser...
"The cheap-labor conservative “minimalist government” social Darwinian world view is just plain bullshit.
It builds a new class structure, which just like the ancient class structures, is based on a set of mythological concepts. In fact, those mythological concepts like “property rights”, “contract rights”, “corporations”, “stocks”, “bonds”, and even “money” itself are socially created to regulate distribution and access to resources. The “market place” is a human creation. The details of how it operates are determined by the particulars of the institutions on which it is built.
It is “instituted among men”, and if its workings become destructive of the lives, liberty and pursuit of happiness of people subject to it, it may be “altered or abolished”."
Any thoughts or comments on this would be appreciated. Also, does anyone know who "Conceptual Guerilla" is? The "about" section doesn't say much, is he/she a DU'er?
PS~ I'd definately reccomend reading the last paragraph...