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Canada-US agreement whitewashes Arar case

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RBHam Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-24-04 02:15 AM
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Canada-US agreement whitewashes Arar case
The War Of Terror Witch Hunt madness continues...

Canada-US agreement whitewashes Arar case
By David Adelaide
24 January 2004

After months of denials and equivocation, the Canadian government conceded in November that the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (and possibly also the Canadian Security Intelligence Service) had fingered Arar to US authorities as a terrorist suspect. Moreover, there is reason to believe that in deporting Arar to Syria, US authorities may have been acting at the urging of elements within Canada’s security establishment. Paul Cellucci, the US Ambassador to Canada, has suggested this and the US television program 60 Minutes II amplified the charge in a piece it broadcast on the Arar case Wednesday evening.

Although the Canadian government did formally protest Arar’s deportation and incarceration, CSIS agents reportedly traveled to Damascus in order to confer with the Syrian military on the “confession” beaten out of Arar. Upon Arar’s return to Canada, “information” from this forced confession was leaked to the press by anonymous sources. There can be little doubt but that the source of the leaks is to be found in elements within Canada’s intelligence services anxious to discredit Arar so as to justify their own role in his detention and deportation.

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JailForBush Donating Member (753 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-24-04 02:32 AM
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1. Sounds like the U.S. doesn't have a monopoly on assholes after all. N/T
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RBHam Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-24-04 03:03 AM
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2. You've got to wonder...
If Syria is supposedly an evil regime opposed to the West, why do they accept these alleged terrorists and then beat confessions out of them? What's with liaising with the Western Intel agency who turned the unfortunate soul over to them? Doesn't anyone realize that information extracted via torture has been proven to be notoriously unreliable? Under torture, a victim will say anyhting to end it. They confess to anything the torturer wants them to.

Remember all those "unsabstantiated terrorist threats" that Bushco has used to impose their culture of fear and obedience?

But why is Syria so interested in helping American propaganda propagate the idea of a vast Islamic conspiracy? Are they playing both sides of the fence? And if so, is the Assad regime just another CIA creation? How infiltrated is Syria's government, and is Assad and his Cronies destined to be the next Hussein? The next Taliban? The next Noriega?

Stay tuned.
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