Lie about Clinton and don't check the facts about Bush. DFU COMMENTARY ON THE AWOL ISSUE
Posted by doug from upland
On General Interest (Chat) 05/04/2003 7:39:38 PM PDT with 17 comments
dfu | 5-4-03 | dfu
There have been some discussions lately by leftist pukes who supported a psychopath but apparently loathe a decent man. The discussion have been about an "AWOL" issue. I thought it is about time that I clarify the AWOL issue. Actually, it is a series of AWOL issues. When a Bush hater wants to discuss it, you may choose any of the following to help englighten him: 1. Bill Clinton's father, whomever that may have been in the back seat of the that '43 Ford with his bar-hopping mom, died before he was born. He was raised by a stepfather who...
How to Answer the AWOL Accusation
Posted by forktail
On News/Activism 09/09/2003 5:09:05 AM PDT with 31 comments
I keep reading/hearing about Bush's year of being AWOL from the Air National Guard. I can't find anything on the net that disputes this accusation. Is there anything out there?
AWOL in the big government fight?
Posted by JohnHuang2
On News/Activism 09/29/2003 11:54:05 PM PDT with 1 comment
Chicago Tribune ^ | 5/6/03 | Eric Zorn
So much for that myth--the cynical distortion that has become conventional wisdom in many circles. During the presidential campaign of 2000, it started going around that Texas Gov. George W. Bush, then the leading Republican candidate, had significant gaps in his military record. Specifically, that Bush failed to report for duty for an entire year toward the end of his hitch with the Texas Air National Guard. The short version: In May 1968 the silver-spoon son of a U.S. congressman jumped to the top of a long waiting list despite mediocre scores on his pilot-aptitude
Click to scroll to commentary.
dfu | 5-4-03 | dfu
Posted on 05/04/2003 7:39:38 PM PDT by doug from upland
There have been some discussions lately by leftist pukes who supported a psychopath but apparently loathe a decent man. The discussion have been about an "AWOL" issue. I thought it is about time that I clarify the AWOL issue.
Actually, it is a series of AWOL issues. When a Bush hater wants to discuss it, you may choose any of the following to help englighten him:
1. Bill Clinton's father, whomever that may have been in the back seat of the that '43 Ford with his bar-hopping mom, died before he was born. He was raised by a stepfather who apparently abused the mom and kids. In fact, a weapon was actually discharged in the home during an argument. His stepfather was no role model, and his mom taught him to lie. So it was during his childhood that Bill's conscience went AWOL.
2. As a young man, Bill was supposed to report to the induction center because, although he has lied about it, he really did receive a draft notice. He got help from RAT insiders who intervened on his behalf, and he was AWOL when called up to report for his physical. Actually, he really had nothing to fear. Lacking both gonads and a spine, he certainly would have been classified 4F.
3. Bill was supposed to report for duty at the U of Arkansas and join the ROTC when he came back from England. At least that is what he promised an honorable man and hero, Col. Eugene Holmes who was a survivor of Bataan. Bill, of course, was AWOL when he was to report for the ROTC. He thought it was really funny that he lied to Col. Holmes. He played a trick on him and finally admitted that he really loathed the military. When the draft lottery came through, Bill received a number high enough that he was never in jeopardy of being drafted. So, he submitted himself to the draft. Pretty clever, huh?
4. When Bill's class in Oxford was graduating, he was AWOL. That was not his choice, of course. He had been kicked out of the university and the country for raping Eileen Wellstone whom he had met at a pub. It would have been devastating publicity for a Rhodes Scholar to be charged with rape, so he was simply quietly removed from the country.
5. When it was time to provide armored support in Mogadishu, Bill was AWOL. We know the result. 19 Rangers dead; 76 wounded. Some of the wounded refused to have their picture taken with him at Walter Reed Hospital, not wanting to bring disgrace on their uniform.
6. When it was time to respond to the first attack on the World Trade Center, Bill was AWOL. Islamist terror was of no interest to him.
7. When it was time to respond to the bombings of our foreign embassies, Bill was AWOL. What was he supposed to do about it, be a commander in chief or something?
8. When it came time to respond to the bombing of the USS COLE, Bill was AWOL. Their lives meant little to him. After all, they were the people he told Col. Holmes that he loathed. He proved it for 8 years.
9. When it was time to be discussing Mideast peace in the Rose Garden with foreign leaders, Bill was temporarily AWOL. He was busy playing with an intern, cigar, and a sink.
10. When he was supposed to be upholding his oath and providing for the defense of this nation, for eight years he was AWOL. Islamist terrorists were allowed to raise money, gather weapons, and plan without fear.
So, RAT b*stards, if you want to talk about AWOL, bring it on.