I stumbled across a chilling little review on Amazon by a "Top 1000 Reviewer" who gives the "written-entirely-by-Karen-Hughes" Bush book "A Charge To Keep" 5 stars. Look for the review "To stand for office, you must stand for something." (October 11, 2003) at
"He masterfully elucidates the virtues of being a conservative: "I am a conservative because I believe in the work and dignity and power of each individual. My philosophy trusts individuals to make the right decisions for their families and communities, and that is far more compassionate than a philosophy that seeks solutions from distant bureaucracies."
"Bush extolls his strong belief in a limited government that encourages innovation and competition, low taxes, a strong national defense, locally-controlled education with an emphasis on reading and accountability for failure, a support of free markets and free trade, personal responsibility, bipartisanship teamwork, and the adherence to irreproachable personal standards of integrity, honor, and decency while in public service."
The other reviews are a nice balance of whistle-blowers (Bush as a lying, AWOL, DUI, illiterate, arrogant, environment-raping, plastic turkey totin' nose candy connoisseur) and pretty frightening pro-Bush caps-lock addicts (one from Anchorage AK who dreams of the day that "Sean (true american hero) Hannity would smash the teeth out of Al Franklins (SP) stupid fat face".
Amazon's own editorial review bills it as "a political philosophy for leading the United States into greatness." Y'all feelin' great yet?