Warning, Drudge posted this and he had to link to the London Times article via Free Republic whose members we know don't follow copyright laws. So if you want to read the article you'll have to follow the FR link.
http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1064270/postsThe info is in a biography of Tony Blair - Tony Blair: The Making of a World Leader by Philip Stephens - that will hit US bookstores February 5th.
Some revelations in the book:
Cherie Blair thought Bush stole election from Al Gore. She didn't want Tony cosying up to Bush. On trip to meet the Bushes she asked more than once why they had to be nice to "these people".
She did make pains to be friendly to Laura.
Cherie Blair made Tony uncomfortable by bringing up the death penalty during a private dinner with Bushes.
Laura embarrassed * by airing her more liberal views on abortion.
Cheney was cool to Blair in early meetings and showed open hostility at Blair's efforts to go to UN on Iraq War.
He made “occasional, acid” interventions during the crucial Camp David summit and “during the following days and months he would be the constant disrupting force in the Anglo-American relationship”. Stephens adds: “If Donald Rumsfeld discomfited Blair with his public disdain for multilateralism, Cheney sought to undermine the Prime Minister privately.”