Ask yourself, how many women or for that matter men with no university or college education and very few years of experience and accomplishment are hired by multinational, multi-billion dollar corporations as CEOs or presidents? Famous CEOs like Bill Gates of Microsoft and Larry Ellison of ORACLE built their companies from zero to $multi-billion firms with their own wits and imagination, although they did not possess university degrees. Being daddy's little girl seems to be Belinda's only credential leading to her appointment to the illustrious role of CEO of Magna International and now her bid for the leadership of the new Federal Conservative Party of Canada.
I am the CEO of a privately-owned, multi-million dollar technology company that I built from scratch with not one penny from anyone -- banks, friends, or relatives. So when I read about Ms. Stronach's bid for the Conservative leadership, I feared, as do most Canadians now, that credentials, experience, service, and vision mean nothing in this country. Basically, power can be purchased at any price, if someone like Ms. Stronach can run,or God forbid, win the Conservative leadership. When smug Canadians claim how different we are from Americans, in that we don't buy political leadership and the power that comes with it (like George W. Bush), we are lying to ourselves. If we give Ms. Stronach any attention or credibility, we will be no different than our American relatives -- where $millions are a pre-requisite for political office.
In my career, I have had to interview thousands of candidates.
If I looked at Ms. Stronach's resume, my analysis would be as follows: no university education, no political experience, no demonstrable community service, no vision (plagiarizing former Ontario premier Mike Harris's political platforms doesn't count), no ability to comprehend what it is like to put in the time, sweat, and tears to build experience, knowledge, and mastery of one's talents. No empathy or ability to stand in the common man or woman's shoes (calling herself a working woman is akin to calling Queen Elizabeth a working mother). No speaking ability in French (a pre-requisite for Federal office), even with the elegant privilege of summering in the South of France.
In short, I would throw her political resume straight into the garbage.I am quite sure that the NDP's Jack Layton, Ed Broadbent and Liberal Prime Minister Paul Martin are delighted that Ms. Stronach is running for office, because if by chance she wins the Conservative leadership race, Mr. Martin's win is a guaranteed slam dunk, and the NDP will also gain ground as the only real opposition. The fact that Conservatives would even allow someone like Ms. Stronach to run for leadership makes one think that this party espouses the same values: That money buys power implicitly and explicitly in this country and real sweat of your brow accomplishment means nothing.
Mary-Ann Massad Johnson, CEO and President, Knowsys Group Ltd, Richmond Hill, Ont.