Maybe the fact that he didn't show up at all in 1972 and 1973 will sink in, but the absence of records to confirm it seems to be an opening for those who must believe him at all costs.
Maybe the fact that strings were pulled to secure him a slot won't bother those who don't have such connections but wish they did.
Maybe the fact that he was suspended for missing a physical isn't the "smoking gun" we would like to have.
Let's focus on the letter instead.
The commitment made by chimpy when he joined up was 6 years. Leaving everything else aside, he signed a letter asking to be released from these 6 years in 1973 so he could go to business school that fall. Permission was granted (I wonder how much THAT cost), but still he failed to honor his commitment. Harvard Business School was more important to him than serving his country as he had agreed to do. That shows what his priorities were, and I would suggest still are.
He puts himself and his own agenda ahead of his country. Then as now. I think his loyalists would be hard pressed to dismiss this, especially given the "stop leave" order currently in place. Could a reservist today get out of their commitment if they wanted to go to business school instead? I think not.
Does this have any chance of taking root?