I'm currently reading a book, "The Great 401(k) H()ax". Its major premise is the idea that boomers will be able to live off their 401 investment is really just a ponzi scheme. The numbers don't add up. It is not feasible that stock investments will generate anywhere near the amount of growth and income required.
The authors discount much of the supposed Clinton boom. Among their points are: - Clinton talked up the stock market boom, helping to inflate the bubble, in order to maintain the viability of his administration through the Lewinsky/Impeachment scandal. Without the economy, Clinton would have likely been gone
- Our savings rate during the late '90s went negative. This includes 401 savings. Families were overextended, even in boom times.
- Income disparity grew, becoming more severe than under Reagan. The poor and middle, middle class lost out.
- Clinton was very accommodating to corporate power. A lot of legislation passed during those eight years that was bad for workers. Also there was the Telecomm act leading the way to media consolidation and the push to globalization without safeguards for American workers.
There's more.