Two articles today point out a fact that we many times ignore. We are the majority. Our issues are the issues of the people of this country. A new Newsweek poll,, shows a larger percentage of people STRONGLY OPPOSSED to the reelection of * yet an even larger percentage think he will likely be put back in office.
Ever since the buzz phrase "moral majority" was coined, most Americans have suffered from a sense of disenfranchisment. The fact that the "moral majority" was neither never sunk in. The far right have spun this illusion so sucessfully that they now have control of both houses, the presidency, the judiciary, and are attempting to spread their control into our very lives. An article in the Progressive by Bernie Sanders,, explains clearly how this is happening.
It is time we start to accept and acknowledge our position. We are "the People of the United States". We need to stop accepting the spin that separates us from one another. We need to identify the issues and problem that need fixing and proceed to work on solutions that will benefit all Americans.
To paraphrase a much used slogan from the 60's:
We have met the enemy and we know who they are!