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Hey! You remember that "things you have to believe..." list?

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Touchdown Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-25-04 04:37 PM
Original message
Hey! You remember that "things you have to believe..." list?
Edited on Sun Jan-25-04 04:39 PM by Touchdown
Well suprise! The Repugs, with their incomparable originality and deep knowledge of liberals that they never listen to, simply because the air in their mother's basements makes them claivoyant, have made one for Democrats now...But wait there's more! Not one thing has anything to do with actual facts. Where do they dream up this crap anyway?:eyes:

note: remove the "amp" from the URL after each "&". That site has a glitch and adds them, causing 404 errors.

Here's a few choice ones...

"* The United Nations should guide and administrate the national security of
the United States. The UN has not failed at anything in its illustrious history.
Rwanda, Lebanon, and the Balklans were anomalies brought on by the evil
Americans. Iraq and Afghanistan were fine just the way they were.

* Individuals employ more people than Big Business and Big Money. It is
wrong to stereotype unless you're stereotyping Big Business and Big
Money based on the actions of a few rogue CEOs. The actions of the
responsible CEOS should be ignored. Marijuana use is a victimless crime
and the evidence of individual failings and family conflict due to abuse
should be blamed on Big Business and Big Money.

* Standing tall for America means demonizing American corporations and
globalization regardless of the jobs that each produces. Standing tall
means hamstringing American corporations with non-sensical
environmental, safety, physical access, union, and taxation impediments to
profit. Business owners should risk their investments for the joy of breaking
even. It's a fact that businesses pay taxes and don't pass the expense on
to their customers.

* We can trust a president who lies about a supposedly insignificant matter
as sex to look out for our nation's best interests. No Democrat president
can mislead the American public to push his agenda. No Democrat
president engages in politics to advance his agenda or legacy. Politics is
exclusive to Republicans. The Balkans was a direct and imminent danger to
the US and Clinton was right to bomb without the support of the UN.

Don't worry, they have plenty more.:eyes:
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wryter2000 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-25-04 04:39 PM
Response to Original message
1. Pretty sad
They need some comedy writers over there.
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Touchdown Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-25-04 07:04 PM
Response to Reply #1
4. Actually the liberals are the majority on that site.
The freep/dittohead types come over, start their crap, stay for about a month, and then are put in their place...then when the smart ones know they can't get away with their insipid RNC manufactured points and lies, they scurry off, and we never hear from them again. :D
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brainwashed_youth Donating Member (640 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-25-04 04:42 PM
Response to Original message
2. Who wrote this?
O'Reilly? Hannity? Annthrax Coulter?
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Cronus Protagonist Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-25-04 05:04 PM
Response to Original message
3. You might be a Republican if...


# believe Bush’s tax cuts, a larger government, spending billions of dollars in wars and nation building have nothing to do with the deficit
# believe that lying about sex is impeachable, but it is a fine thing to lie about the reasons American boys and girls are dying and being dismembered in an illegal war
# believe spending money to build schools in America is a waste, but you support spending money to build schools in Iraq and Afghanistan
# believe spending $40 billion a year for the Department of Education is too much, but spending $87 billion to rebuild the country we just spent billions of dollars bombing is good foreign policy
# believe it’s patriotic and supportive of the military that Bush loves sending our troops into wars, and simultaneously cuts veteran’s benefits, military hazard pay and military family services.
# believe raising the minimum wage to give more money to the working poor will cause inflation, but giving billions of dollars to the richest 5% of Americans will boost the economy
# support the rights of a fetus, but if a baby is born to a poor person, you don’t believe the mother or the baby has the right to food, shelter or financial support
# call anyone with opinions to the left of George W. Bush a "communist"
# call yourself a “patriotic American,” but yet you display confederate flags to honor the people who rebelled against the USA


"FUCK Bush" Buttons, Stickers & Magnets
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