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my offhand response to a pro-Bush spam (Cowboys)

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Syrinx Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-26-04 02:01 AM
Original message
my offhand response to a pro-Bush spam (Cowboys)
many errors!

> >1. They were never looking for trouble.

Bush provoked Iran and North Korea into accelerating the nulcear
programs, and taunted the Iraqis by telling them to "bring it on."
In fact, the war in Iraq as well as the overthrow of the Taliban were
planned well in advance of 9-11. If you don't believe me, research
a slimy little outfit called "Project For A New American Century."

> >2. But when trouble came, they faced it with courage.

Bush used family connections to evade service in Vietnam, landing a
champagne and caviar assignment in the National Guard, but even then
couldn't be bothered to report for duty. He wasn't simply AWOL, he
deserted during a time of war, a captal offense.

> >3. They were always on the side of right.

Bush is always on the NEO-CON RIGHT, though certainly not on the
conservative side. He spends more money than any president in history, but it's okay because it lines his pockets and the pockets of his friends and cronies.

> >4. They defended good people against bad people.

Bush defends his financial interests against decent people all around
the world.

> >5. They had high morals.

Bush deceives many moral people, because they are too foolish to see
through his transparent schemes.

> >6. They had good manners.

Bush and his minions will tell you it's raining, while pissing on your
leg. But they'll smile while doing it.

> >7. They were honest.

Bush and his family are the most corrupt people this country, quite
possible the world, has ever known. They treat the US Treasury as their
personal piggy bank, and the members of the US military as the tools
with which to enrich themselves. Innocent lives and limbs be damned!

> >8. They spoke their minds and they spoke the truth,
> >regardless of what people thought or "political correctness,"
> >which no one had ever heard of back then.

Bush and his minions speak lies, regardless of the truth or the thoughts
of decent people around the world.

> >9. They were a beacon of integrity in the wild, wild West.

The Bush family is a beacon of evil and depravity in the West.

> >10. They were respected. When they walked into a saloon
> >(where they usually drank only sarsaparilla),
> >the place became quiet, and the bad guys kept their distance.

Bush is feared, because he is a crazy, greedy little creature with no
respect for human life, who speaks coherently only when speaking of
death. Perhaps, he has put his cocaine habit behind, and we all are
indeed safer with dangerous criminals like 65-year-old comedian Tommy
Chong behind prison bars.

> >11. If in a gunfight, they could outdraw anyone. If in a fist fight,
> >they could beat up anyone.

In a fight, Bush is glad to send your sons and daughters overseas to
give their lives and limbs for his personal gain and petty vendettas, but
he was too chickenshit to serve himself, even though he personally
supported the Vietnam war. (See above.)

> >12. They always won. They always got their man. In victory, they rode
> >off into the sunset.

Always gets him man? I thought Osama bin Laden was still at large. Oh,
you Saddam Hussein? Why was Saddam a good guy when Bush's father and
Rumsfeld were arming him with WMD's in the eighties, bad after Saddam
invaded Kuwait with Bush Sr.'s approval, good again when Cheney was
selling him oil-field equipment in the nineties, and bad again when
Junior needed a distraction and some oil fields?

We need a leader... not a liar.

We need a statesman... not an opportunist.

We need a visionary... not a phony.

We need a President... not a fucking cowardly cowboy!

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Old and In the Way Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-26-04 04:00 AM
Response to Original message
1. Great response!
I'm convinced there are RNC ops whose job it is to send these fairy tale narratives out to the gullible people who continue to think that Bush is on their side. I'm sure they share the same mailing list with Pat and Jerry and the other kristian hucksters that sell blessings for dollars.

Anyway, great responses....sorta torches that fiction nicely. Why don't they ever make their cases with facts? Faith-based us, we're looking out for your best interests (right).
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