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Picking the contested ground in 2004

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sweetheart Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-26-04 07:47 AM
Original message
Picking the contested ground in 2004
Edited on Mon Jan-26-04 07:57 AM by sweetheart
Sun Tzu, the chinese master of war, placed great importance on selecting the field of battle, as well as the tactics, as the two work in harmony. The following is an attempt to fuse ideological weaknesses, that we may attack and win in 2004.

Mr. Bush has already defined the ground on which to fight this next election. He has built his camp on top of sinking bog, yet we will not be able to take advantage of this weakness if we try to fight the 2000 election over again.

He has put forward a fog to hide the GOP weaknesses in the SOTU. If we latch on to those soundbites, he'll have a very difficult time defending, as when speaking to his own crowd, he could barely defend his own camp. He has not yet seen the fury of his challenger.

"The war on terror has become a war on gays and lesbians."
"The credit card has been used to make daddy's paycheque look
bigger, but next year we'll have to eat rice and potatos."
"to pay for unneccessary wars, you have sold out the security of our
children, by pilliaging the budgets for schools. Every child is
being left behind. Every child is being sold down the tubes for
special interest tax cuts"
"Mr. tush, you have run up the credit card over the limit. The
paltry sums you suggest will change healtcare and education in this
country masque the truth. The truth, is that you're doing nothing
for the american people because all you really do is make war."

We need to take back the fighting ground of rhetoric in this contest, and hit them in their exposed flank. They've wasted a surpless of goodwill and left a huge debt... and now they're going after gay people and professional athletes as the hatred and destructive war has spilled over in to domestic america, to attack diversity, to institute draconian police state measures, and while i am still able to say this outside of one of your unconstitutional free speech zones, mr. bush, I speak up now to say, "You are a liar." Your final act of desperation is using the constitution to attack the civil liberties and rights of gay americans. This is dispicable. This country is not a theocracy, and your fundamentalist supporters have gone too far.

How dare you, Mr. Bush. How dare you claim to speak for the American people, for justice, or for this country. The truth is you speak for yourself and a few angry and devious men. When this country deposed the criminal Nixon administration, never again, we said at the time, would we put in office such malfeasance. Never again, we said. Never again. Yet, today, we have a new batch of autocrats who, like Mr. nixon, have no respect for democracy or the democratic process; for the truth; or for the american poeple.

It is time to say, "Never again.", again. You will not win in 2004 mr. bush. We will not have you. How dare you pervert the constitutional process. How dare you make illegal wars and put our soldiers at risk, how dare you empty the treasury and leave the american people in terrible debt. Your time is over. Never again, we said, and we were wrong. This time we mean it, "Never again."
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displacedtexan Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-26-04 07:53 AM
Response to Original message
1. Kerry asks: Is YOUR mission accomplished?
IMHO, this is the best meme out there. Kerry points at individuals in rally audiences and asks that simple question.
No matter how diverse the audience population, everyone answers: NO!

This meme allows all Democrats to unite and to personalize the party mission to unseat the freak monkey.
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Iverson Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-26-04 08:39 AM
Response to Original message
2. You may be onto something here.
"Mr. tush, ... exposed flank."

It's a theme worth exploring.
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sweetheart Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-26-04 09:25 AM
Response to Reply #2
3. freudian typos
:) ha!

Unfortunately, IMO, the best part of the past is the last 2 paragraphs... speech writing thinking... but few folks 'll make it down there.

tush!! :) well, he's gonna get one right there in that flank come november.
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Iverson Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-26-04 09:27 AM
Response to Reply #3
4. excellent, Pinky
And after he takes it in the flank, he'll be unable to make any good, solid thoughts emerge (aka "floating an idea").

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