and it is the "OFFICE OF SPECIAL PLANS" that was created to fabricate FALSE INTEL because the CIA wouldn't alter Intel to reflect Bush/Cheney's desire for IRAQ invasion/occupation!
i have noticed that many here at DU keep saying "OSP = Office of Special Programs" .....but it is the wrong office!
please be careful they are 2 completely different offices “They were a pretty shadowy presence. Normally when you compile an intelligence document, all the agencies get together to discuss it. The OSP was never present at any of the meetings I attended.” - Gregory Thielmann, a senior official in the state department's intelligence
"That office was charged with collecting, vetting and disseminating intelligence completely outside of the normal intelligence apparatus. In fact, it appears that information collected by this office was in some instances not even shared with established intelligence agencies and in numerous instances was passed on to the national security council and the president without having been vetted with anyone other than political appointees"- Democratic congressman David Obey
Soon after September 11, a small intelligence office was created by the Pentagon to assess the threat that Iraq allegedly posed to the U.S. It remained relatively secret during the first year of its existence, known only by Donald Rumsfeld's inner circle of neoconservative ideologues. Sources within the intelligence community told reporters that the group, known as the Office of Special Plans, cherry-picked intelligence from questionable sources to support the case for invading Iraq. The intelligence team's conclusions were presented directly to the White House and National Security Agency without first being vetted by other intelligence agencies, like the CIA and the Defense Intelligence Agency. The office was also blamed for the administration's lack of post-war plans in Iraq and accused of undermining the administration's policy towards Iran.
much more.......
Related Outlines with links:
Post-War Iraq.
Pre-War Planning
Legal System
Invasion of Iraq.
Arab and Iraqi Civilian response to U.S. war of 'liberation'
Problems encountered by U.S. troops during the beginning of the U.S. invasion