At the concentration camp of Osthofen, near Frankfort, of the 88 inmates entitled to vote 79 voted "Yes" on the referendum question and endorsed the Reichstag list.
At the Brandenburg concentration camp out of 1,137 votes in the election 1,006 were for the Nazi party. In the referendum 1,024 inmates voted "Yes" and twelve "No." In the Oranienburg camp 301 prisoners out of 377 voted for the Nazi party, while 330 said "Yes" to the referendum and 33 "No."
An amnesty for political prisoners is regarded as probable in view of the "splendid demonstration of faith in Hitler."
The voting was especially brisk in the Rhenish-Westphalian industrial districts, formerly a Communist stronghold. By noon 90 per cent of the electorate had been to the poll.,6051,126949,00.html+last+election+in+Nazi+Germany&hl=en&ie=UTF-8