Just got 6his announcement. If anyone has better info please post it here. Anyone know this program?
Subject: Skull & Bones Discussion on Coast to Coast AM, Mon !/26/04, 11 pm PDT (Show is from 10 pm to 2 am pacific time)
http://www.coasttocoastam.com/I will be on Coast to Coast with George Noory on January 26, 2004, discussing Bones their history, what is happening today and why.
You may listen live on one of their many affliates or listen online.Coast to Coast w/George Noory
No Bones in 2004!
Onwards to the utmost of futures!
Kris Millegan
Fleshing Out Skull & Bones
http://www.fleshingoutskullandbones.com/Kris Millegan is a writer, researcher and publisher whose father was in the Office of Strategic Services (OSS), Military Intelligence (G2), and later was in the CIA, rising to Branch Chief, Head of Intelligence Analysis for East Asia. His father told Kris some things that he didn’t understand in the late 60’s. These revelations led to over thirty years of research into the subjects of CIA-drugs, clandestine operations, conspiracy theory and secret societies.
Kris’s publishing house TrineDay brought Antony Sutton’s underground classic, America’s Secret Establishment — An Introduction to the Order of Skull & Bones to a wider audience, published the book, Expendable Elite, by Lt Col Dan Marvin, a tale of special forces commander and his tangles with the CIA. TrineDay’s most recent release is Fleshing Out Skull & Bones is being well received, being called encyclopedic and the “bedrock of books on Skull & Bones.” TrineDay also has the book Ambushed — Secrets of the Bush Family, the Stolen Presidency, 9-11 and 2004, coming out in April 2004 and four more books in the works.
Kris produced two CIA-Drugs Symposium in 2000 that brought together the top researchers, whistleblowers authors and academicians in the field — with many new revelations and understanding developing from the conclaves. Kris is also singer/songwriter with several songs in the National Lampoon release, “Last Resort.” Kris lives in a rural community outside Eugene, Oregon.