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"Powell presses Putin on democracy"...and an unintended metaphor

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Bush_Eats_Beef Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-26-04 02:24 PM
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"Powell presses Putin on democracy"...and an unintended metaphor

I may be the only one who gets cold chills from the closing sentence of this article, but let's see what you think:

"Powell's concerns come as Putin prepares for almost certain election to a second four-year term in March, his opponents either unwilling to challenge him directly or unable to muster enough support to pose any real threat."

Hmm...a Bush re-election bid that Pat Robertson has already confirmed as being sanctioned by God...the media's perception that Bush's opponents are "either unwilling to challenge him directly or unable to muster enough support to pose any real threat"...

No, my mistake, they were talking about RUSSIA in that article. Powell is openly criticizing a RUSSIAN leader for his policies at a time when he is "almost certain election to a second four-year term."

That's not a metaphor for Powell's frustrated "outsider" standing in the Bush administration at all. I watched him applaud at the SOTU. He's a happy guy.

"U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell has held talks with Vladimir Putin after unusually blunt comments suggesting the U.S. is worried about undemocratic tendencies shown by the Russian leadership."

Oh, Powell is WORRIED. About "undemocratic tendencies shown by the Russian leadership." In RUSSIA. Whew! I was worried myself there for a minute. Move along, nothing to see here folks.

It's OK, boys...take 'er back down to CODE YELLER.

:toast: :toast:

Thank you for your efforts Colin.
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bandy Donating Member (545 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-26-04 03:06 PM
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1. Looks like a set up to me...
Powell and Chaney have been preaching about fair and honest government all week-end in other countries. When election time comes and * miraculously wins w/BBV and challenged you will hear "What are you talking about, we have been defending democracy all over the world".
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