I think your comments are correct. But I think back to Rove (pretty sure it was him) saying that the 2000 election was so close because a lot of the Christian right didn't vote. Dubya may suffer the same fate in 2004, plus he may lose these very same people that responded to Fund's column.
My view is that Republican conservatives have a one-world view they want to see reflected in its entirety. Losing on any issue is enough to rouse their anger, and they take that anger out on any member that does not accept the totality of their worldview. Look at what they are doing to Arlen Specter. The rules of the Senate make it practically impossible to push any measure through without compromise, because it is divided 51-48-1. The right wing of the Republican Party is simply ideologically incapable of accepting the kind of compromises that must be made because of the transactional nature of our government. Since conservative Republicans reject compromise, they fail to take account of the broader national interest. The result is an administration whose domestic actions fail to uphold that broader public good; and the Republican administration becomes subservient to pressure groups.
The result is divided government. But, the problem is that an administration has to have its legislative programs moved forward or risk the voters, and that demands the compromise that Republican conservatives so despise. So, the only tool available to an administration intent on soothing those conservative hard feelings - is pork. Just ask Trent Lott. "Mr. Lott's main contribution so far as Senate leader has been to deliver pork to Mississippi." (The Wall Street Journal's Paul Gigot in 1998.)
"The right wing of the Republican Party is simply incapable of accepting the kind of compromises a Senate majority leader must make. Dole understood this before anyone. "Give (Trent Lott) a year up there, and people will say I was a right-winger," Dole reportedly told his friend, former Reagan aide Lyn Nofziger, according to an article in The American Prospect." (Noam Scheiber, The New Republic, Post date: 12.20.02)
The right wing hated Sen. Baker because he gave in on the Panama Canal, and set aside school prayer and abortion in favor of the President's economic agenda. That got Novak and Weyrich mad at him and they campaigned to get Dole in as Senate majority leader. Dole merely questioned whether the Senate would accept a House $245 billion tax cut and conservatives hated him for it, and Novak wanted Lott to replace him. In exchange for Daschle's promise to let appropriations bills move forward, Lott allowed Democrats to bring up 20 amendments to a soon-to-be-debated HMO reform bill, and conservatives went nuts.
Bitch as they might, the fact is they brought it all on themselves! The only way to shut these nuts up is to stuff their mouths with cash!
For another good article on this topic, see the NY Times editorial, "The New Republican", 28 Dec 03.