Marc Racicot told me he offered to send you your Bush Cheney Charter Member card and asked for your financial support of my reelection campaign.
Please activate your Bush Cheney Charter Member card today by sending a gift of $2,000, $1,000, $500, $250, or even $100 or $50 today at:
http://www.GeorgeWBush.com/CharterMember If you said "yes", then thank you. It means a great deal to know you're in my corner as Dick Cheney and I get ready for what could be a close, hard-fought race. But if you received Marc's letter and haven't yet decided to join my campaign team, I ask for your help today by making a contribution at:
http://www.GeorgeWBush.com/CharterMemberAs Marc told you, the Democratic candidates are already on the attack, using super-charged rhetoric. In doing so, they are helping to make the stakes and vast differences of the 2004 election very clear.
I will use America's power to lead the world to greater security and peace. We must win the war on terrorism and promote freedom around the globe if our children are to live in a more peaceful world.
I have acted to strengthen our economy by cutting taxes and restraining government spending. Our economy has suffered a series of shocks: we cut taxes at just the right time to pull us out of recession. Raising taxes now would be bad for American families, American jobs and America's economy.
I will work for a more compassionate society where no child is left behind and where people know they are responsible for their actions, for the children they bring into the world, and for loving a neighbor like they'd like to be loved themselves.
These are clear choices.
If you agree they are important, then please activate your Bush Cheney Charter Member card today by sending a gift of $2,000, $1,000, $500, $250, or even $100 or $50 today at:
http://www.GeorgeWBush.com/CharterMemberI need your help now to put in place the campaign I need to win a second term.
I am honored to serve as your President. If you agree with my leadership and values, then I hope you will support me today.

P.S. If your response to Marc Racicot's letter and mine crossed in the mail, then please accept my thanks. If not - and you haven't yet activated your Bush Cheney Charter Member card - then please do so today with your gift for of $2,000, $1,000, $500, $250, or even $100 or $50 today at:
http://www.GeorgeWBush.com/CharterMemberI need your help now to prevail in the tough contest ahead. Thank you.