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The debut of my Anybody But Bush Button . . .

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heidiho Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-26-04 06:03 PM
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The debut of my Anybody But Bush Button . . .
Since our primary is less than a month away (Wisconsin) I decided that today was a fine day to bust out my "Anybody but Bush" large button. I proudly wore it all day to lots of stares but no comments.

At the grocery store I was told by the checkout chick:

"I don't like your button. I like President Bush. I think he's a good President and I don't care what your button says, I'm voting for him."

Me: Can I ask you what you like about him?

CC: WEll, I like his stand on the sanctity of marriage and I like
his anti-abortion stand and I like that he outlawed partial-birth

Me: "All of those things shouldn't matter because we don't elect a
President to tell us what to do morally. I think he's a big fat liar and he lied to get us into a war."

With that, I decided to pick up my bag and leave because anyone that stupid wouldn't have her mind changed anyway. BUT . . .

it's scary to think that people admire this piece of shit because of these things and they will vote for him because of religious beliefs.
There are probably alot more like this than there aren't. It's scary to me to think that Bush is dictating moral law in this country.
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SoCalDem Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-26-04 06:14 PM
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1. Jesus Bush..That's who they are voting for
I asked a fundy friend of mine once..

"Since you are against abortion, what would you DO if your sister had an abortion"?.. She was stumped..

It's easy to moralize and fume & fuss over the actions of strangers, and how YOU would know better than THEY, how they should live their lives.. BUT..and it always comes down to this.. What would you actually DO when one of these thorny issues takes root in your own family?

Every family in America has/had a memeber or friend who is gay..
Every family in America has/had a member or friend who has "ended" a pregnancy (somewhere along the line)
Every family in America has/had a member who has/had any number of vices that YOU disapprove of..

I always tell them that "It's not your JOB or the president's job to tell people how to conduct their private lives..

If someone comes up to YOU and tries to force you to do something , then that's different..

These folks are just plain old panty-sniffing busybodies.. They feel compelled to tell eveyone else how to live, but if it lands at their doorsteps, they want everyone to butt out :)
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Virgil Donating Member (410 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-26-04 06:15 PM
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2. doing on earth as it is in heaven
Edited on Mon Jan-26-04 06:19 PM by Virgil
Some people really feel that politics is about doing on earth as it is in heaven. I do not believe in heaven, but if I did I would not think Busch could get elected there.

On edit- I am not sure he could even get in heaven and without lies, how could he get elected?
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