Extensive and serious web site contends that Bush is descended from extra-terrestrial race, and links Bush and other leaders to secret society (the links for all that are below, but read this intro first if you can).
George W. Bush is at least the fourth confirmed Skulls and Bones President (S&B thought to be related to the secret centuries old Illuminati society dedicated to world domination; T.Roosevelt, Taft, Bush I, & Bush II). Note, at least two of them became President after assassination attempts (of McKinley in 1901, and of Reagan in 1981, though Bush I later became President anyway after Reagan survived his assassination attempt).
Kerry (and I like him) is also a Skulls and Bones graduate member by the way, so this election year, if Kerry is the Democratic nominee both Presidential candidates will be Skulls & Bones members, guaranteeing victory for the highest leadership position in the world?s most powerful nation for one of them. Based on this and my deeper knowledge of Skulls and Bones (after a lot of reading over some years), I can tell you right now (and write down that I told you), Kerry will be the Democratic nominee (and bet on it and make some money if you can ? where legal - if you are so inclined).
The odds of two Presidents being from the same state, let alone university, let alone secret fraternity and within the same university (Yale), are highly unlikely; yet Skulls and Bones has produced at least 4 into this select Presidential club, and more are certainly on the way. Many other ?Bones? members have sprinkled significant high government positions at key times in the last 150 years (You?ll never think of Yale or S&B in the same way). Many of the most successful educational institutions in America fail to produce any Presidents, so how does Skulls and Bones beat those odds and get 4? Good question. Other Presidents have been controlled by powerful S&B underlings - FDR is one, read article recommended below).
The fact is, we all need to learn about Skulls and Bones, Illuminati, and their extensive intelligence links and links to other apparently similarly driven leaderships in other nations. Here is a site with excellent articles on Skulls and Bones. The articles are fascinating. Open and copy the best articles:
"New World Order". In this link, first read the long article down past the middle of this very long page, titled: ?George Bush
, Skull & Bones and the New World Order, A New American View -- International Edition White Paper, April 1991?, apparently written for the Japanese Government:
I?m not generally into weird stuff, and I still find it hard to believe all this, but (David Icke, the man that writes this, who now writes book about this and more, and does lecture tours, is a former BBC reporter and seems to know his stuff) after reading it and a lot about Skulls (and some UFO documentaries) I did not immediately dismiss this extra-terrestrial allegation. It is sincere, extensively researched, and based on many little-known but verified facts known to me, thus lending it significant credibility to me. A sample but admittedly outrageous red-meat quote that really has to be read in context: ??Kathy talks about the fact that George Bush had told her that they were an extraterrestrial race, who had taken over the planet and no one realizes it, and that they came from deep far-off space?? Here is the link for that (search the page for references "Bush"), but read some of the other articles too:
Finally, lending some credibility to the extra-terrestrial angle is none other than Monsignor Corrado Balducci. Balducci, who is the official Exorcist for Rome, former diplomat in the Papal Nunciature in Washington, DC,, and close advisor to the Pope.
Balducci has gone on Italian national television five times in the past several years to proclaim that extraterrestrial contact is a real (and positive) phenomenon! He says they are here among us and are mixing with us (DO A GOOGLE SEARCH ON HIM, a lot will come up). I am not making this up.
An American PhD, also apparently very serious, offers a lot of info on extraterrestrials, and recently met with Monsignor Balducci, is at:
(His home page is at http://www.drboylan.com/index.html )
Anyone with knowledge of more aspects of any of these connections, I would welcome any good narrative or links. Also, any serious input or opinions from anyone would also be very interesting and appreciated.
Please, if you think this is dumb, I understand, but try not to dump a lot of comments of ridicule on here, the fact needs to be sorted from the fiction, and there is a lot of fact, thanks.