Edited on Tue Jan-27-04 12:35 PM by eyesroll
Much ado has been made about presidential candidates' military service, or lack thereof, especially since Baby Boomers have been running. Bill Clinton got hammered for his lack of service; * got a boost from his Guard time (whether he was AWOL or not). Even now, voters are trying to determine whether we need a veteran as the Democratic nominee to be able to compete agaist the Flight Suit In Chief.
But what happens in 10-20 years or so, when Generation X starts running candidates. Will it be an issue? What do you think?
I was too young for Gulf War 1, not really too old -- but too married, job, mortage to want to interrupt things with military service -- for Gulf War 2 (I could still enlist in the Army or Navy, but I'm too old for the other branches), and never interested in military service in the least anyway. I imagine many people of my generation, regardless of their political affiliation, have similar views. Will we have trouble a couple of decades from now?
On edit: I suppose I should add that I'm female. Women are usually given a "pass" on military service, but then again, a woman hasn't been elected president yet. (No, I have no desire to run for or to be president.)