Edited on Tue Jan-27-04 01:01 PM by luvamericahatebush
i absolutely cannot stand republications, what is their problem. Are they are so over-propagandized or blinded by their lust for money or so have little conscious, or are so robotized by their doctrine or religion or whatever they cannot admit that this administration has failed at the most important thing of a government, the first job they are charged with, keeping us safe.
It is ok to spend 40 million of tax payer money and use the recourses of THE FBI for petes sake to manufacturer an impeachment (over a private matter) but they cannot admit that bush had plenty of warning and should have been about to prevent 9-11 or at least tried. And that should be vigorously investigated.
Not to mention the selfishness, they want the good schools and good roads and clean usable national forests, and strong police and fire and a safe food chain supply, affordable college, affordable medical and decent prescription prices, a strong military, and sidewalk in front of THEIR houses, blah blah blah
The people keep sceaming lower TAXES TAXES TAXEs and the rethugs appease them with one hand while shipping their jobs overseas, outlawing their overtime and all the union busting they can get away with the other hand. Rethugs want and brag about lower labor costs and one of their major propaganda spew units (Heritage make our foundation weaker)want s to do away with the min wage. Hey - you Walmart workers making what 9.00 an hour, do you think Walmart would pay you that if there was no federal guideline? Try 6.00 or even 5.00 an hour.
Cant the rethugs see this, what makes them so blind and uncaring what what what