(Not that I wanted to. But I stumbled upon it.)
My expertise is prediction.
Using my head to predict things is how I perform my work and wade through the muck of newspaper stories, magazine articles, and message boards on a daily basis.
I now know that the Republicans in charge of this administration - Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Feith, Ashcroft - do not believe in prediction.
They only believe in the elimination of possibility, of the cutting away.
This sums up comments by Douglas Feith in an article I only skimmed yesterday:
"You think that we actually predicted that things would go smoothly in Iraq and simply failed to plan for it? What kind of idiots do you take us for?"
"We're not simpletons."
"We didn't make ANY predictions. Haaaaaaa ha ha ha ha!"
...The End.
Take a moment to absorb that for a moment. No predictions. Rumsfeld allows no one in his presence to pretend that they know the future. He trusts no one who claims to have insight into what is coming next, be it people like you or I, CIA analysts, State Department diplomats, Military Intelligence, ambassadors, and "experts" of all kinds. He simply refuses to listen to them, because he considers their knowledge to be Satan's deception.
There is only one thing that motivates this man to act, and that is, in Ashcroft's words, to eliminate possibilities. In the above case, to ensure that Saddam Hussein (and no other) would never again be able to resort to "evil chemistry and evil biology".
Think about it.
Cheney is going around presenting a Department-of-Defense debunked leaked memo by Feith using raw, unevaluated intelligence as the strongest proof in the public domain that Saddam was linked to Al Qaeda and had WMD. But that's because he doesn't consider it unevaluated intelligence. It was evaluated, by men who matched it with what they already KNEW to be true, because of their experience, wisdom, and closeness to God.
Their names:
Douglas Feith Dick Cheney
Going to Perle and Wolfowitz, they're comfortable with blowing up the Middle East and any other trouble spots in the world with no regard whatsoever for what may happen afterwards. They don't know what'll happen. They don't pretend to know. They merely list good possibilities and say, we have a CHANCE to get a better result - why not roll the dice?
But won't rolling the dice produce a random result?
No, they believe.
Because they have GOD on their side.
To them, GOD = fixed dice.
So, when you break down the code, Bush is going around telling people that...
"Don't trust in those false Christians who are running for President in the Democrat Party. Their criticisms rely on weak things: Logic, personal experience, theory, prediction. They cannot possibly be wise enough to understand what must be done. On my own, I am not wise enough either, but I have an advantage that they do not. I am inspired by GOD."
"Which will you choose: A man who relies on his worldly faculties, or a man invested with the wisdom of GOD to make the right decisions? You know that there is only one man in this race that you can TRUST to make the RIGHT decisions. I am that candidate."
Take your pick. Clark, Kerry, Edwards, Dean. How are they going to run against a man whose authority is the authority of GOD and win? How are they going to say, I know better than GOD? How are they going to argue, their knowledge is superior to faith, without being exposed as godless themselves?
That's the subconscious narrative which will decide the campaign, and why I have little confidence that any Democratic (note: the butchered term earlier was in quotations for a reason, I know the difference) candidate will defeat this President in a time when the voters have no idea what to do themselves about terror, and don't know that the Democrats can do any better, so will instinctively find this challenge to rely on GOD (or G-D) to be a challenge to their religious beliefs, which they can reply to in the affirmative by placing a mark next to "George W. Bush" at the ballot box.
As for this gang of great philosophers.... this is pre-Gallileo. This is pre-Thomas Aquinas. This is Dark Age thinking, a complete and monolithic rejection of the principles of Western thought, a return to the rejection of Aristotle (and all his methods)... if it has any comparison, then it is with Plato's Philosopher-King idea, mediated by the Christian faith. Faith that is so strong as to explicitly reject the worldly knowledge of anyone beyond the self.
So, the war was right because Rumsfeld said so.
The intelligence was right because Cheney said so.
The cause was right because Bush said so.
Because they are men of GOD.
I warn you with this: For much of the country, this has become quite good enough.