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Some more encouragement to throw at you guys

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calimary Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-27-04 04:18 PM
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Some more encouragement to throw at you guys
I went to Petco last night. The lady at the checkout counter started talking about how she'd had to hock her grandma's diamond ring because otherwise she couldn't afford gas money and rent money. I offered my condolences and mumbled something about how "that's how it's gonna be as long as that swine remains in the White House." She brightened up and said "That's EXACTLY what my mom says!" So we started chit-chatting a little. While she was already a bush opponent, she was shocked when I told her that he hadn't been to ANY funerals for ANY of our troops who've died in Iraq. She actually voiced some shock (and awe, I suppose). Then she also commented on how all the National Guardspeople we need here at home (and whom we needed desperately back in October to fight the California fires) were stuck in Iraq where they weren't doing anyone any good. We parted company as sisters-in-politics. And I made sure our conversation was loud enough so that other people around us could hear it.

Made me smile as I drove home. The next best thing to a conversion in the field is to discover yet another ally.
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ayeshahaqqiqa Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-27-04 04:24 PM
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1. One person at a time
I've found it remarkable how I can start a conversation about health care, the economy, or the Guard, and I get a similar reaction. Let's hope that Rove doesn't realize this too soon, or there will be another "terror incident", the election will be called, and Bush will be dictator.
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calimary Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-27-04 04:37 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. You BET one person at a time.
Stoke those fires and beat those drums.

It IS up to us because the media still has yet to wake up and do their jobs, spreading the truth as opposed to propaganda. Therefore, unfortunately, it's up to US to do THEIR jobs for them. Too bad we don't get paid like they do.

Good job, though! All of us need to be out there preaching informally, every chance we get. Either to buck up somebody else who agrees but may feel alone and isolated and villified for thinking so, or to nudge someone who's wavering, or maybe to open someone's eyes who hasn't started wavering just yet (but MAY be about to).

By doing this, we help tip the balance just a wee bit more toward critical mass. And once we reach critical mass, the rocket launches by itself.
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proud patriot Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-27-04 04:42 PM
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3. Yesterday I met a Marine Vet
A teacher at my Son's school .

He got to see my yard signs and really loved them.

He says he knows many serving now do not agree with
the Iraq invasion ...these are Marines who will
do their duty but don't agree with it .

Hope springs eternal .

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Toots Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-27-04 05:19 PM
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4. Just make sure you tell them to vote
It matters one whit how much everyone agrees with you. It only matters if they are willing to go vote. I have a friend who is sixty years old and has never voted in his entire life. He has always said that by giving someone his vote it was the same as giving them his permission to make decisions for him. He is right in that by the way but anyway he never voted because he didn't want someone else making decisions for him but now for the first time in his life he is willing to go to the polls just to vote Bush* out. He is a quite conservative fellow also. I think he would have been a Republican twenty years ago. Now he plans to vote Democratic straight down the ballot. He tells me he is ashamed of what America has become. One person at a time.
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calimary Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-27-04 07:46 PM
Response to Reply #4
5. Excellent point. And another testimonial -
My mother's boyfriend, aged 83, mumbled something to me just a few minutes ago when I took the kids to see the two of them. He was shaking his head and saying he hates the politics. He hates the politics. He hates what's happening in this country, all the jobs going overseas, all of that. It's just terrible, he said. At the time we went visiting (and they're both conservative, by the way), it was less than an hour til the polls closed in New Hampshire. They had the little TV on in the kitchen and were watching the coverage. He said he was VERY interested in what Edwards might do. I was shocked! Coulda sworn he was a staunch bush-man. Apparently not anymore. And he said everybody he knows is saying the same thing!

Shoot, we just might win this.
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