I mean, really, examine what has happened. The Bushies tank the economy and completely wreck the stock market. Add in a corporate scandal or two, stories of people being robbed blind by robber barons like Ken Lay (LOL, I'm 22 and I just said "robber barons", I never thought that would happen). Anyway, naturally the market sinks. Now anyone with free money to throw around (that is, someone not bogged down in mortgage payments and debt) can buy up the market at literally pennies on the dollar and will essentially garuntee themselves a great return. So what does Bush do? He gives those who already had tons of disposable income even more money that they can play around with. Plus he starts talking about ending taxation on dividends.
Now, considering all of this, why should we be suprised that the market is recovering and those who took their massive tax cuts and invested will soon start getting even richer than they were in the first place?
But the market doesn't mean a God damned thing. The dollar is still very weak, there are still many jobless Americans, people have had to accept a new job with less pay and more hours just to make ends meet, and the rich are getting richer.
The rich can get as wealthy as they want and it won't help the remaining 98% of the population. Hell, it should be more than evident from the recent scandals that CEOs are not generous people, and when given money they will not hire new people or pay better wages. They will spend it on themselves or invest it.
I frankly don't know why average Americans don't throw a brick at the Television every time some smirking, condescending asshole raves about the economy in one of their disgusting, sycophantic rants on Bush and Republicans.