In reference to the recent (non)finding of the "Kay Report" regarding Iraq's alleged WMD's, cited at length by the Bush administration as reason for unilaterally invading Iraq, Do you plan on joining in with Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D) from Texas in launching a public inquiry as to how the vetting process of raw data was bypassed at CIA and fed to an office set up by the administration known as Office of Special Plans (OSP)to cherry-pick tidbits of information that bolstered their case for invasion while ignoring information that contradicted their pre-conceived agenda?
You may want to contact USAF(ret.)-Lt. Col. Karen Kwiatkowski who worked at the Pentagon at Near East South Asia article also describes the Office of Special Plans,2763,999737,00.htmlThere can be no blaming of this fiasco in Iraq on "the system" that was put in place to ensure that "good" intelligence reached the President. That system worked - which became the problem that this extremist administration had to overcome. The solution was to create a separate, unaccountable office to cherry-pick "bad - untrue" information so as to scare the American people and Congress into approving an unjust war.
The blood of our soldiers and of innocent Iraqi's are on the hands of everyone who voted for this mess.