Edited on Tue Jan-27-04 09:03 PM by Must_B_Free
What the situation really amount to is: selling US citizenship to the lowest bidder.
I have been in IT projects national for the last 7 years. I can tell you how it works: basically, an indian person will come to the US and work for free for three years to get a green card.
And here is the kicker - the people doing the work have another person taking $20+ per hour. So if they get a rate of $45/hr, there is a someone holding the visa and taking a nice chunk and giving him $15 or $20. All he is doing is meeting his expense. And thus, sometimes you have a bunch of indians all living in a one bedroom apartment. (it's not all that unusual to them anyway, many homes in India are 1 or 2 rooms, anyway.)
The guy is doing the work because he knows in three years he can have a green card and get a US citizen's rate, and perhaps never go back to India. If he does go back, whatever money he may have saved here goes 10 times farther there.
So what the corporations are really doing is selling US citizenship in exchange for a period of indentured servitude. We find our job market suffering as a result of this. In my opinion, US citizenship is not a natural resource for corporations to use to exploit both Indians and Americans for the sake of paying less for labour.