My boss has always been a lifelong Dem, but definitely of a moderate stripe. However, during the course of the past year, I have helped turn him into a raging radical.
I started on a business trip last year. Stuck in a car together for hours, I went on a passionate tirade about the invasion of Iraq, PNAC, Patriot Act, the BFEE, corporate corruption, class warfare. I told him that I was out in the streets protesting. He seemed interested, but I could tell he also thought I was a little "out there."
I would send him articles occasionally. Got him on the Moveon.com mailing list. Brought up things in discussion over the course of the year. Drip, drip, drip...
To put this in perspecitve, keep in mind that this person has a couple of master's degrees and a Ph.D.
I received the following e-mail from him tonight:
The following is the statement I included with my signed petition to CBS - do you think it is a bit weak? Your use of public airwaves carries a responsibility in that you have been given a public trust to air all sides of an issue. Yet, using public airwaves, you have denied Americans the right to have access to a variety of viewpoints before making up their mind. In essence, YOU have made up their mind for them by withholding pertinent information. Is this how Nazi Germany got it's start - allowing only the "accepted party line" to be heard and discussed? What's next, burning books? We learned from rather recent history that first it was books - then it was people. Are we headed down the same path with pious, self-righteous right wing zealots using thought control to maintain power? Please reconsider your ill-advised decision. Remember, this is an election year and President Bush, by fostering this type of deceit is only sowing the seeds of his election defeat. Then we will work to negate that legislation that has given you such power over the American people. PS I think that you have created a "monster!" I AM ON A CRUSADE!!!
What do you think? :evilgrin: