We have to remove Bushco from power if we want to save America. The regional races are important, too, but I feel that the executive office has more power than ever before. And the people surrounding the useful puppet are dangerous.
I've noticed that Shrubbo's base seems to consist of two factions: religious right-wingers and the secular greedy. This last group includes corporate types as well as middle-class folks who think that tax cuts will make them rich. Another group that usually votes Republican--traditional conservatives--are already bailing out on the trillian-dollar man.
Divide and conquer usually works. I think it would be useful to think of ways to drive a wedge between the religious right and the greedy right (though sometimes they're one and the same). Maybe some of you have other ideas.
One thing I've thought of: I remember reading somewhere that during his speech on the aircraft carrier, Shrub used a bible verse that Revelation says would be used by the anti-christ.
I have tried very hard to forget my 18+ years of fundamentalist bible brainwashing, so I'm not very "up" on what fundies are being fed these days. (I was going to say "thinking," but fundies don't think.)
Can someone confirm this biblical information and provide the original verse quoted plus the verse in Revelation? It might be a good idea to start circulating this information in fundy circles. It would be best if the information came from fundies...too bad that isn't likely to happen. Another bible verse to include might be that one about fooling even the elect of God. Bush is fooling millions. It fits. If I'm wrong and all this Jesus stuff is real...well, hell...maybe Bush is the anti-christ.