One thing I wanted to keep in mind of others here and elsewhere, is that time is on our side. Whether it is UHC or Gay Marriage, the thing is, both of these will be accepted in the mainstream. The main difference between moderates on liberals is the timing of such things.
Think of interracial marriage, or civil rights, both were advocated by liberals back at the turn of the century, and they never gave up, and they finally entered mainstream 30 years ago. Gay rights are going through the same process, and so are other issues that liberals hold to their dear to their bleeding hearts. Liberals are frustrated that changes do not come fast enough, and moderates complain that it is going too fast. The point is for the liberals to keep agitating for change, to turn the moderates around.
That is why I think such advocates and DK are important, not so much in electability but in the fact that he keep his issues in the news, and eventually such issues and positions become accepted by the muddled-middle, for they truly have no choice. Remember it took over 60+ years for civil rights for racial minorities to come into the forefront of the American Consciousness, but look at how far gay rights have gone in less than half the time. Such issues will transpire, the only question is when. Our role is to keep these issues in the debate of the nation, not on the back-burner.