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central scrutinizer Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-28-04 02:11 PM
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New Discussion Forum

I just received the following e-mail regarding this new forum for Democrats. The focus is on the Senate.

e-mail message:

As a committed Democrat, the DSCC would like to extend an invitation to you to view and participate in a new online resource for Democratic activists — This site lets YOU be an author, along with Democratic Senators and campaign strategists

This morning on the site Senator Corzine wrote:

"President Bush has presided over an $8.5 trillion fiscal collapse that endangers the economic security of all Americans. Federal Spending has increased by an astonishing 25 percent over the last three years, and our economy has lost almost 3 million private sector jobs. To add insult to injury, in his State of the Union Address, Bush called for an additional $1 trillion in tax cuts and more than $1 trillion in new spending.

"At a time when the President should be taking strong steps to stimulate the economy, he is failing to take meaningful steps to create jobs and reduce the deficit.

"This election we need more than just your financial support -- I would like your creative ideas about how we can get this message out to the voters in the coming months in your community and state."

You can send him your ideas at: is a community weblog site with up-to-the-minute news, commentary and strategy on taking back the U.S. Senate and defeating President Bush. By electing more Senate Democrats, we will be able to set the agenda and stop the right-wing policies of the Bush Administration. The DSCC wants to keep committed Democrats like yourself informed about the issues, and wants you to participate in what's happening in your community. As the site grows there will also be actions and local events that you can join to get our country back on track.

Check it out at:

When you register on the site (requires only an email address), you can make comments and join in discussions. More importantly, you get your very own online Diary, where you can post your own insights and opinions on current events, Democratic politics in your state, the latest outrage from Bush and Company.


David Rudd
Executive Director
Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee

PS: As a Democrat, I'm convinced that the best way to stop what George W. Bush's radical agenda is doing to our country is to elect a Democratic majority to the U.S. Senate. We need Democrats to set the agenda, not Bush's cronies. The tremendous grassroots energy around the Democratic presidential campaigns shows that there is a majority of Americans that are willing to roll up their sleeves to take our country back from the corporate special interests, and know-nothing extremists that are running the Republican agenda. The Republican Senate has become nothing more than a rubber stamp for the Bush-Cheney-corporate special interests regime and it's time to bounce them all out of power!
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joanski01 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-28-04 02:28 PM
Response to Original message
1. Thanks for this info.
Sounds like a place that I will be visiting often. It's a smart idea for the DSCC to start something like this, because it's a good way to keep people informed.
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dweller Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-28-04 02:38 PM
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2. Looks like a good place to spend some
time, and get in a word or two with senators that check it out.
thanks for the word.

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loudsue Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-28-04 03:07 PM
Response to Original message
3. FINALLY!! A DU for Senator participation!
Cummon, DUers, let's take our talents and research and activism to the SOURCE!

I hope this catches on for all the online activists!


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