has a freeper sycophant post on his site comparing him to - well here, see for yourself:
"He follows in the footsteps of giants, such as George Washington, Thomas Paine, and Ronald Reagan, promoting the ideals of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness."
Here's where it really gets scary:
"I was enthralled. I was overjoyed. I felt giddy, like a kid in a candy store. I knew for the first time in months as if justice had taken a direct blow to the lies and corruption creeping into Rush Limbaugh’s life. Never had I wavered. Never had I been so steadfast in my disbelief of the news media. I never believed the allegations. Not once. Not until Rush himself admitted it."
Then he falls to his knees, and proclaims:
"He handed me an education in advanced conservative studies and said, “Go forth and produce young man. Give life everything you’ve got.” And I do. I thank him from the bottom of my heart. I owe at a minimum my undying support and loyalty."
I suppose this is the point where the tallywacker of El-Rushbo is produced and the groveling cultist accepts the holy sacrament of Rush's "issue".
It's bad enough that someone would suffer from such a lack of dignity and self respect that they would post this to freerepublic, but Rush features it proudly on his site. It's not nice to exploit the mentally ill.
I should add that this actually made several freepers barf. They don't all drink the Rush koolaid over there.