like you have to have an apple deal to listen, but there's a transcript
JESSE: Ok, well then go ahead.
AF: Ok buddy, Speaking of.. What happened to Mars? I didn't hear Mars tonight. Am I wrong?
OTHER PERSON (female): No, it wasn't anywhere in there.
AF: Gosh darn it. I mean, that was the big vision thing. I mean, he said... said... You know, isn't it odd that you mention that we're gonna go to, that we're gonna build a space station on the moon, and then go to Mars, and then you just don't mention it?
Did anyone notice that? I haven't heard that. There's a lot of, um. I'm getting a lot of sound. Like yelling or screaming. Anyway, I'll keep talking as if I'm not hearing that. Um, I thought there was, uh... One of the other interesting things to me was the list of nations that are supporting us in Iraq. And he said "Some critics have said our duties in Iraq must be internationalized. This popular criticism... particular criticism is hard to explain to our partners in..." and then he named all these countries? Remember the Republicans going nuts during that list? Well, they included Denmark, which has a medical team; Bulgaria, which, we get to use their air space; Romania, whose.. also we get to use their air space. Uh, he listed El Salvador. Which- whose air space we don't need...
...but does lend us their political support. He also, (chuckle) we do have help from the Ukraine, we have 532 men from their 19th army battalion in Kuwait. But they will not enter Iraq.
I was just entertaining our troops in Kuwait, Iraq, Afghanistan and Uzbekistan, and I think Uzbekistan counts as one of the 17 other countries. It's a horrible totalitarian country, but it's great that we're there, because we have a base there, and .. I talked to some (SI-OPS??) guys while I was at the base in Uzbekistan, and I said "Isn't this like, the worst country in the former Soviet Union?" And they go "Oh, no, no, they're very cooperative, the government." I went "no, no, I meant aren't they the worst most repressive." He said "Oh yeah."
"Yeah, yeah." But this so much for moral clarity.