The implication--although it's so absurd that it's never been even obliquely stated--is that Hussein was such a danger that the normally peaceable cowpoke reluctantly rose to safeguard us all. The 64 Billion Dollar question is this: who started all of this crap? It wasn't the intelligence community coming to the administration with a whole passel of fears that needed to be addressed, now was it? There weren't any fears of him coming after us, were there? So who started it? It had to be the administration, hankering for someone to blast. Were they met with overwhelming evidence when they started to think about it? If so, why were all of the intelligence reports couched with qualifications? Where's the cringing fear there?
It was Junior. (Well, the people who control him, but since HE'S in charge, it's got to be him, right? They can't admit that he's not the great warrior godking.) So why'd he do it? There wasn't overwhelming evidence. They couldn't even find half-decent excuses, yet they had to do it anyway. Why?
(Oh, it's revenge, oilgreed, political advantage and the need to crush a prominent figurehead, of course, but I want to hear them dodge the question.) It's always the lies that bring 'em down.
Junior's cover was that he "had to do it", yet NOBODY out there forced him. He couldn't even find decent excuses. WHY DID HE HAVE TO DO IT?
Will someone please ask that question?
Hey, for pre-emption to work, the information has to be correct. As for the "Clinton thought so too" crap: he didn't feel it was necessary to go into a full-on war of conquest, now did he? There was no threat.
Do we have a madman who's imagining dangers and killing as he pleases, or do we have a complete liar who's on some private agendum (naw, couldn't be that...) to do as he pleases? Either way, we've got the wrong kind of person DOING AS HE PLEASES.
Come on; somebody's got to ask it.