Blix Downgrades Prewar Assessment of Iraqi Weapons (June 22, 2003)
Hans Blix, UN Chief Weapons Inspector, suspects that the Iraqi government possessed little more than "debris" from a former, secret weapons program before the US-led invasion. The US inability to find weapons of mass destruction after the fall of the Hussein regime has led Blix to downgrade his original assessment of the threat Iraq posed. (Washington Post)
Iraqi Mobile Labs Nothing to do with Germ Warfare, Report Finds (June 15, 2003)
Two trailers found in northern Iraq are not mobile germ labs as purported by US and UK government officials. These findings are a major embarrassment for Prime Minster Tony Blair, who continually insisted that the labs prove Iraqi ownership of weapons of mass destruction. (Observer)
Blix: I Was Smeared by the Pentagon (June 11, 2003)
On the eve of retirement, UN Chief Weapons Inspector Hans Blix has made sharp criticisms of Washington. He referred to “bastards” in the Bush administration who consistently undermined his efforts to find Iraqi weapons of mass destruction and "leaned on" his staff to tailor their reports. (Guardian)
UN Weapons Search in Iraq was Fruitless, Blix Says (June 3, 2003)
In a report to the Security Council Chief Inspector, Hans Blix, stated that before leaving on the eve of the US-UK led invasion, he had found no evidence that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. (Associated Press)
Hans Blix Vs the US: I Was Undermined (April 23, 2003)
Chief weapons inspector Hans Blix accuses the Bush administration of lacking credibility in its hunt for weapons of mass destruction. Blix states that only the UN inspectors can provide an objective assessment of the material found. (Independent)
Briefing the Security Council on UNMOVIC's Readiness to Resume Operations (April 22, 2003)
This is the transcript of chief weapons inspector Hans Blix’s briefing to the UN Security Council on UNMOVIC’s work program in Iraq.
Blix: Intelligence Used to Justify Iraq War Disturbing (April 22, 2003)
Chief weapons inspector Hans Blix stated that US officials tried to discredit the UN weapons inspectors to win Security Council support for war on Iraq. (Middle East Online)