I started out tonight looking at the North Dakota Dem-NPL platform, and then I thought, "Hey, maybe I should check out what the Republicans say." Of course, The North Dakota GOP doesn't have its platform online (I guess they figure the party bosses are eay enough to follow along with)... so I thought maybe I'd try the National party site. Nothing but promoting Bush's policies at face value... "No Child Left Behind" and the "Clear Skies" stuff most notably.
So then, I thought I'd check out what passes for news around there. Just as I suspected, it's nothing but excepts from questionably reputable conservative news sources like the Wall Street Journal and the Washington Times --- only they are then additionally cut, pasted, and rearranged to their desire!
It really must be seen to believe, but I must warn you, it burns....
http://www.gop.com/News/****WARNING! FREEPER SITE LINK****