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raysr Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-28-04 09:49 PM
Original message
With A Big Dumb Smirk And A Deadly Aww Shucks
The White House says it needs more time to determine whether Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction, an issue the Bush administration once was so confident about that it was cited as a justification for waging war. The issue was injected into the presidential campaign when retired chief U.S. weapons inspector David Kay said he had concluded, after nine months of searching, that Saddam Hussein did not have stockpiles of forbidden weapons, and that the UN was completely successful, years ago, in shutting down any and all Iraqi weapons programs, and that Bush was essentially and truly a lying warmongering dinkmonkey who knew all along the WMD thing and the terrorist thing was a stupid ruse to allow his cronies access to the world's 2nd largest oil reserves so they may manipulate prices and compete with the Saudis and screw the nation for profit and over 500 dead disposable U.S. soldiers and a staggering gut-busting deficit with the environment and health care and true spirit uality like a cheap afterthought. "We now believe Saddam had one deadly stash of rubber bands and maybe a rusty staple gun that can really really hurt if you accidentally staple your thumb," said the tiny demon robot yanking all the pulleys and levers inside Dick Cheney's manipulating in his sneering pallid face, in a statement. "Screw you America we got oil and power and rigged the election for 2004 so bite me ha ha ha!" Bush reportedly twitched, splashing around in his widdle bath.
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Stevendsmith Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-28-04 09:54 PM
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1. Morford is God
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