Edited on Thu Jan-29-04 12:20 AM by quaker bill
I live in Fla. I work and drive through some pretty hardcore Bush* country. I have been seeing "No Bush" signs cropping up in unexpected places. I mean the sort of places where you find pickup trucks flying confederate flags, the stars and stripes, and often both.
Don't overestimate JEB. He only won because his brother was high in the polls and McBride was a weak candidate. JEB also ran against the "class size ammendment" which democrats managed to get on the ballot. It was exactly opposite to the Bush intended policy. It won in 2002.
For a little local politics, the law will force JEB to raise taxes this year. He gave too much away to the rich on a tax cut. Because of this and recent high unemployment, FICA employer contributions will have to be tripled this year. It will put a serious hurt on small business.
Remember as well that thanks to the NAACP suit, all the scrubbed voters were put back on the roles. There is a push for voter verified paper trails. Most counties use optical scan technology which have a paper trail. All of this stuff combined will give the Democrat a +/-150,000 vote edge over Gore to start. (Given we can get them counted, of course) But I think after 2000 the people are on to this and will be looking pretty close.
If we choose well, I give our candidate slightly better than 50:50 odds. If the candidate appears overtly 'liberal' the odds drop substantially.