The Republicans are absolutely hanging themselves lately with stupid political moves. My only guess is that they are so arrogant, they don't think they lose.
1) Nuking overtime 2) "guest workers" in a time of high unemployment. 3) Space program at a time of new record deficits. 4) Proposing more tax cuts (investment) for the wealthy. 5) Increased dumbness in Iraq 6) Tons of War Pork out their benefiting Bush Cronies 7) BIG deficits 8) No Child Behind. It should read, No Rich Child allowed to fall behind poor children. Failure to FUND the mandates in No Child Left Behind. 9) Pork-Barrel environmental destruction legislation 10) Failure to extend unemployment benefits. 11) Failure to act on foreign dumping, steel tariffs, H-1B and LZ-1 imported labor. 12) Failure to adequately protect the borders. 13) Failure to support first responders. Lying to New York Firefighters on money for chemical/biological preparedness. 14) Failure to fight terrorists. Diverting funds to Iraq. $87 Billion to Iraq after saying that reconstruction would be funded by Iraqi oil. 15) Halliburton Gouging the public. Halliburton not providing adequate housing in Iraq. 16) Failure of various defense contractors to do their job. Yet they take taxpayers money. Shitty repair work, Failure of the Media operation, Failure of food services contractors to provide sanitary meals. 17) Reluctance to investigate 9/11. Serious problems in the FBI regarding anti-terrorism efforts. 18) John Ashcroft's infant police state in progress. John Ashcroft pushing laws that allow US citizens to be "disappeared". (Using this wording is VERY important). 19) Failure to address root causes of unemployment. Over-emphasis on "investment" by the wealthy as opposed to direct government involvement. 20) Medicare benefits for drug companies instead of seniors. 21) Lying regarding Weapons of Mass Destruction. 22) Failure to appoint and independent counsel concerning the deliberate compromise of a CIA operative and ALL her immediate colleagues working with her or for her. 23) The 24-hour "notice" that allowed the White House to destroy records regarding Valerie Plame. Failure of the White House to order ALL it's personnel to release Bob Novak to disclose his source regarding Valerie Plame. BOB NOVAK IS A TRAITOR!!!!! HE SHOULD BE IT GITMO!!!!